Region Europe Opening Lecture
Richard Youngs - University of Warwick, UK; Carnegie Europe
EUrope from Outside Seminars
Men Jing - Director, EU-China Research Centre, College of Europe
Kalypso Nicolaïdis - Director, Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford
EUrope from Outside Seminars
Damir Kapidžić - University of Sarajevo, Bosnia
EUrope from Outside Seminars
Gilbert Khadiagala - University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
EUrope from Outside Seminars
Olga Butorina - Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
EUrope from Outside Seminars
Aylin Güney - Yasar University, Turkey
Region Europe 2019 Opening Lecture
Professor Gerald Knaus. founding chairman of the European Stability Initiative, delivered the lecture "What Can We Expect? Human Rights, Democracy, and the EU in 2030" for the opening of the Region Europe Program 2019
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Nikolay Kaveshnikov, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Russia), delivered the lecture "Russia and the EU: Is It Possible to Combine Cooperation and Containment?" for the Region Europe Program 2019
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Nicholas Farrelly, Australian National University, delivered the lecture "Far Away Friends: Australia’s European Entanglements in a Time of Global Flux" for the Region Europe Program 2019.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Markus Thiel, Florida International University, USA, delivered the lecture "Looking at Transatlantic Relations in a Critical Perspective" for the Region Europe Program 2019.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Lily Habahs, PhD, Governance and International Relations Expert (OPT), delivered the lecture "Can the EU Help Solve the Palestine-Israeli Conflict?" for the Region Europe Program 2019.
Looking Forward Lecture
Prof. Jan Zielonka, University of Oxford, UK delivered the lecture "Counter-Revolution: Liberal Europe in Retreat" for the Region Europe Program 2019.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Li Xing, Alboorg University, Denmark, delivered the lecture "China’s Global Rise and the Impact on the Existing World Order - Rethinking for Europe" for the Region Europe Program 2019.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Sharon Pardo, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, delivered the lecture "Attraction and Resistance: Israel and the European Union" for the Region Europe Program 2019.
Prof. Roberto Castaldi, Director, EurActiv Italy; E-Campus University and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy, delivered the lecture "The Prospects of European Integration after Covid-19" as Opening Lecture of the 2020's edition of Region Europe
Europe from Outside Seminar
Prof. Simonida Kacarska, Director, European Policy Institute, North Macedonia, delivered the lecture "(North) Macedonia's EU Integration Path: Is 2020 the Breakthrough Year?" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Andrey Kortunov, Director General, Russian International Affairs Council delivered the lecture "What Do Russians Think of the EU as a Partner and as a Role Model?" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
EU Voices Seminars
Prof. Giannis Papageorgiou, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, delivered the lecture " "Je t’aime, moi non plus” 40 Years of an Uneven Relationship between Europe and Greece" as part of the EU Voices Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Evi Fitriani, Universitas Indonesia, delivered the lecture "Observing the EU from Southeast Asia: Perspectives from ASEAN Countries?" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
EU Voices Seminars
Eric Bonse, Political Journalist and Senior Eu Correspondent in Brussel, delivered the lecture "Can Germany Make the EU Strong Again?" as part of the EU Voices Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Prof. Enrico Giovannini, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"; Spokesman, Italian Alliance for Sustanaible Development; Former Italian Minister of Labour and Social Policies, delivered the lecture "Sustainable Development: A Paradigm Shift for the Future of Europe and Its International Role" as Looking Forward Lecture of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
EU Voices Seminar
Luca Visentini, General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation, delivered the lecture "The EU, Trade Unions and the European Job Market Challenges:the European Trade Union Confederation Perspective" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Pan Zhongqi, Fudan University, China, delivered the lecture "Internal, External Norms and China-EU Normative Engagement" as part of the series of the Europe From Outside Seminar in the 2020's Region Europe Edition
Prof. Ian Manners, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, delivered the lecture "European Union, Normative Power and Planetary Politics" as the Europe in the World Lecture of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Yahueni Preiherman, Director, Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations, Belarus, delivered the lecture "The Belarus Crisis, Implications for the EU and its Neighbourhood" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
EU Voices Seminars
Prof. Andras Bozoky,Central European University, Hungary delivered the lecture "An Externally Constrained Hybrid Regime: Hungary in the European Union" as part of the EU Voices Seminars series of the 2020's edition of the Region Europe Program.
EU Voices Seminars
Céline Mias, Director, CARE International's EU Office; Vice-President, Concord Europe, delivered the lecture "Civil Society Power and Engagement with EU Development Policy" as part of the EU Voices Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Rita Giacalone, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela, delivered the lecture "From Role Model to Economic Partner? The Image of the European Union in Member" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Europe From Outside Seminar
Prof. Garth Le Pere University of Pretoria, South Africa delivered the lecture "Europe from the Outside and the China-Africa Connection" as part of the EU Voices Seminars series of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Prof. Anand Menon, Director, UK in a Changing Europe, King's College, UK, delivered the lecture "Britain and the EU in the World after Brexit" as closing lecture of the 2020's Region Europe edition.
Dopo due anni di difficili negoziati, nel dicembre 2020 l’UE e l’Organizzazione dei paesi di Africa, Caraibi e Pacifico (OACPS) hanno raggiunto un accordo politico su una nuova partnership che sostituisca l’Accordo di Cotonou del 2000, e regoli le loro relazioni per i prossimi 20 anni. L’accordo promette di aiutare l’UE e i 79 paesi partner ad affrontare nuove esigenze e sfide globali quali la pandemia di COVID-19, i cambiamenti climatici, la governance degli oceani, la migrazione, lo sviluppo, la pace e la sicurezza. Il primo seminario della serie EU Next Talks di Region Europe discuterà le priorità dell’UE e dei paesi partner portate ai negoziati, le novità dell’Accordo e il loro impatto sulle relazioni tra UE e Africa, alla luce della parallela discussione di una strategia comprensiva dell’Unione con l’intero continente. Sono intervenuti Giuseppe Gabusi, Torino World Affair Institute e Docente di International Political Economy, Università di Torino; Giovanni Finizio, Direttore di Region Europe e Docente di Politica Estera dell'UE, Università di Torino; Domenico Rosa, Capo della Task Force sul Post-Cotonou della Commissione Europea; Maurizio Carbone, University of Glasow; Pierfrancesco Majorino, Eurodeputato S&D e membro della Commissione Sviluppo del PE; Valerio Bini, Università di Milano; Elena Vallino, Politecnico di Torino.
Il cibo è al centro di relazioni di potere e di rivendicazioni di sovranità cruciali per gli equilibri globali e per la vita di miliardi di persone. Al tempo stesso sono rari gli esempi di governance dei sistemi del cibo giusta ed efficace, né esiste una politica del cibo di scala europea. Il secondo seminario della serie EU Next Talks di Region Europe discute il ruolo dell’Europa, la più grande potenza agroalimentare del globo e il più importante mercato commerciale esistente, nel sistema agroalimentare globale; l’impatto dell’UE nei processi locali e globali legati al cibo; la necessità di costruire una vera politica del cibo europea funzionale alla costruzione di un sistema di governance del cibo giusto ed inclusivo dal locale al globale, a beneficio dei cittadini europei e di tutto il mondo. Il seminario prende le mosse dal libro "Cibo sovrano. Le guerre alimentari globali al tempo del virus" del Vice-Direttore della FAO e già Ministro delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Maurizio Martina, che ha partecipato all’evento. Sono intervenuti Elisa Bignante, Docente di Geografia dello Sviluppo, Università di Torino; Egidio Dansero, Vice rettore alla Sostenibilità e la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, Docente di Geografia Politica Economica, Università di Torino; Giovanni Finizio, Direttore di Region Europe e Docente di Politica Estera dell'UE, Università di Torino; Carla Montesi, Director, DG International Partnerships - Directorate Green Deal and Digital Agenda, Commissione Europea; Giuliana Laschi, Docente di Storia dell'Integrazione Europea, Università di Bologna; Gianluca Brunori, Docente di Food Policy, Università di Pisa.
EU Next Talks
L’Unione Europea si trova in un momento cruciale della propria storia. Le crisi multiple che l’hanno colpita – la crisi economica e finanziaria, la crisi dei rifugiati, e la pandemia di Covid19 – hanno messo in luce le attuali debolezze della sua costruzione, provocando profonde divisioni tra i suoi membri e alimentando venti sovranisti e populisti in tutto il continente. Anche grazie agli impulsi della nuova Commissione, l’Unione sembra però aver colto la sfida di perseguire un proprio rilancio, con il varo del Next Generation EU e della Conferenza sul Futuro dell’Europa. L’Italia, tra i paesi maggiormente colpiti da queste crisi, esprime una politica estera tradizionalmente europeista, ma è scossa dalla forte pressione di forze sovraniste. In questo contesto italiano ed europeo, il terzo seminario del ciclo EU Next Talks di Region Europe propone una riflessione su quale sia la relazione tra il futuro dell’Europa e l’interesse nazionale dell’Italia; su quale sia il contributo che il paese, membro fondatore dell’UE, possa e debba portare al rafforzamento interno ed esterno dell’Unione; su quali siano, infine, le aspettative in Europa circa il ruolo europeo dell’Italia e circa il suo contributo ad un’Europa più forte. Al seminario prendono parte alcuni tra i principali protagonisti della vita politica italiana e del dibattito pubblico italiano ed europeo: Enrico Letta, Segretario del Partito Democratico; Tonia Mastrobuoni, Corrispondente dalla Germania per «La Repubblica»; Antonio Tajani, Vice-Presidente e Coordinatore di Forza Italia; Vice-Presidente del Partito Popolare Europeo; Nathalie Tocci, Direttrice dell'Istituto Affari Internazionali.
Lily Habash, Governance and International Relations Expert delivered the lecture "The EU and Palestine, Destined Disillusionment or Potential Remedy?" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro delivered the lecture "The EU seen from Brazil" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet Professor in EU law, HEC Paris; Permanent Visiting Professor, University of Tokyo and College of Europe, Bruges delivered the lecture: "How to Make Europe a People’s Project?", the Opening Lecture of 2021's Region Europe edition.
Markus Thiel, Florida International University Professor, held the lecture "The US' view of the EU: Transatlantic Politics of Optics or Substance?", as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Giannis Papageorgiou, professor of the University of Thessaloniki, Greece, held the lecture "Je t’aime, moi non plus” 40 Years of an Uneven Relationship between Europe and Greece, as part of the Eu Voices Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Sven Biscop, Director of Egmont Institute in Brussels held the lecture "The Dragon -Slayer, the Panda- Hugger and the Strategist: Europe and the Great Powers", as part of the Europe in the World Lecture series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Marco Zatterin, Vice-Director of Italian Newspaper “La Stampa” held the lecture "Newsropa. Why the EU is Losing the Battle of Communication" as part of the Eu Voices Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Rajendra Jain , Jean Monnet Chair Former Professor and Chairman in the Centre for European Studies School of International Studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in India held the lecture "India and the European Union: Towards Greater Convergence?" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
András Bozóki, professor at the Central European University in Hungary held
the lecture "An Externally Constrained Hybrid Regime: Hungary in the European Union" as part of the Eu Voices Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Jakob Lempp, professor at the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences in Germany held the lecture "The EU Seen from a Post-Merkel Germany" as part of the Eu Voices Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Jovan Teokarevic, professor of the University of Belgrade, Serbia held the lecture: “They pretend to want us in, and we pretend to reform”:The image of the EU in the Western Balkans as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Hidetoshi Nakamura, professor of the Waseda University in Japan held the lecture "Japan-EU Civilian Power Cooperation in a Changing Global Order" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Maurizio Carbone, Jean Monnet Professor of International Relations and Development, University of Glasgow
Guia Migani, Professor of Contemporary History, Université de Tours
Ottilia Anna Maunganidze, Head of Special Projects, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria
Charles Mutasa, Independent Development Policy Advisor
held the roundtable "Africa-EU Relations: African Perspectives" as part of the Europe from Outside Seminars series of the 2021's Region Europe edition.
Speaker: Simonida Kacarska Director, European Policy Institute, North Macedonia
Speaker: Loukas Tsoukalis
Speaker: Aylin Güney