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Dawn Nagar - Charles Mutasa

Africa and the World: Bilateral and Multilateral International Diplomacy

This book probes key issues pertaining to Africa’s relations with global actors. It provides a comprehensive trajectory of Africa’s relations with key bilateral and major multilateral actors, assessing how the Cold War affected the African state systems’ political policies, its economies, and its security. Taken together, the essays in this volume provide a collective understanding of Africa’s drive to improve the capacity of its state of global affairs, and assess whether it is in fact able to do so.
Palgrave Macmillan
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Articles and Book Chapters
András Bozóki - Dániel Hegedűs

An externally constrained hybrid regime: Hungary in the European Union

in Democratization, vol. 25, no 7, p. 1173-1189

The paper focuses on the unique, role model characteristics of the Hungarian hybrid regime, the Hungarian political system’s new incarnation forged in the past years’ democratic backsliding process. Following the short review of the main hybrid regime literature and the key analyses putting the democratic quality of the Hungarian political system under the microscope, the paper argues that Hungary’s European Union (EU) membership, the competencies of EU institutions, and the scope of EU law have played a crucial role in the development of the system’s unique characteristics. Based on this argument, the paper qualifies Hungary as an “externally constrained hybrid regime”. However, the EU does not only fulfil system constraining functions regarding the Hungarian regime, but performs system support and system legitimation functions as well. Ultimately, the changing scope of these functions, determined by the European integration’s internal dynamics, influences first and foremost the Hungarian power elite’s strategic considerations about the country’s future EU membership.
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Articles and Book Chapters
Michelangelo Conoscenti

Big Data, Small Data, Broken Windows and Fear Discourse: Brexit, the EU and the Majority Illusion.

in DE EUROPA, vol.1, no.2, p. 65-82

Although Brexit has been considered an unexpected ‘incident’ by the majority of observers, this paper challenges this idea. It thus considers the recent discussion on ‘filter bubbles’ and ‘selective exposure on social media’ Spohr (2017) to document how an increasing consumption of news and information through specific web platforms has effects on the ideological polarization of public opinion. These thus explain the genesis of this particular event. It will be shown how these dynamics have been considered by the Vote Leave campaign during the 2016 EU referendum in the UK. Exploiting echo chambers they were able to successfully crystallize a number of issues through a narrative that resonated with the British voters’ feelings transforming them into ‘issues’ that could be identified in a single concept: a populistic and creeping xenophobic fear discourse (Wodak 2015).
Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società - Università di Torino
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Articles and Book Chapters
John Akokpari

Consistency in Inconsistency: South Africa’s Foreign Policies in International Organizations

in J. Warner and T.M. Shaw (eds.) African Foreign Policies in International Institutions

This book is the first to exclusively consider the foreign policy tendencies of African states in international institutions. As an edited volume offering empirically based perspectives from a variety of scholars, this project disabuses the notion that Africa should be considered a "niche" interest in the field of foreign policy analysis. It asserts that the actions of the continent's states collectively serve as an important heuristic by which to interrogate and understand the foreign policies of other global states, and are not simply "anomalously" extant entities whose actions should be studied only insofar as they deviate from predictions based on the experiences of Western or other non-African states.
Palgrave macmillan
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Raffaele Marchetti

Debating Migration to Europe: Welfare vs Identity

This concise, pointed contribution to the ongoing debate in Europe on the controversial phenomena of migration will appeal to the general reader, represent a significant contribution to the scholarly debate, and be an essential teaching and discussion tool.
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Articles and Book Chapters
Nicoletta Pirozzi

EU Member States’ Capabilities in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding: Personnel and Technology

in Global Affairs, Vol. 4, no. 2, p. 141-155

This article provides an overview of Member States’ key capabilities – namely personnel and technology – in light of main EU goals in conflict prevention and peacebuilding, revealing a heterogeneous landscape. While acknowledging that the EU owns some of these capabilities, the article is primarily intended to highlight the assets and manpower available at the national level, with a view to understanding how these capabilities might better support and strengthen the EU’s role in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Relevant data collected through four case studies – France, Germany, Italy, and Sweden – is used to understand if currently available capabilities are adequate to match EU objectives
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Articles and Book Chapters
Gilbert M. Khadiagala

Europe-African Relations in the Era of Uncertainty

in D. Nagar and C. Mutasa Africa and the World: Bilateral and Multilateral International Diplomacy

Chapter 19 argues that the events of 2016, especially Brexit, the crisis of confidence around regional integration in Europe, the controversial economic partnership agreements (EPAs), the cutting of EU funding to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and the clamping down on African immigrants in the Mediterranean, are likely to have serious repercussions on what seems to be a fading relationship between Europe and Africa. Another issue of consternation is Europe’s introduction of migration control as a new condition for development cooperation following the refugee crisis.
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Alberto Majocchi

European Budget and Sustainable Growth

In the first part of the book an analysis is developed regarding the fiscal structure of the Monetary Union, starting by the Maastricht constraints and going through the Stability and Growth Pact to the Fiscal Compact. The main idea is that a new structure of the European budget should be promoted, with an increased size and new own resources, overcoming the limits of the current structure either on the revenue side or on the expenditure one.The second part is devoted to the problem of providing new own resources to the European budget. After a brief overview of the current system and its limits, the main proposal is to introduce a carbon tax that will complement the existing Emission Trading System. The new tax should be levied on the emissions of carbon dioxide generated by the use of fossil fuel, with a rate proportional to the carbon content of the fuel.
Peter Lang
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Raffaele Marchetti

Government–NGOs Relationships in Africa, Asia, Europe and MENA

his volume brings together some of the most recent scholarship on government and civil society. It examines the axis of the relationship between national governments and civil society organisations (NGOs) by highlighting commonalities as well as differences among four key regions in the world. Using the stability vs. instability framework, the book explores a range of pertinent issues, including human rights, development, foreign policy, state-building, regime change, governance frameworks, wars and civil liberties. It studies diverse situations, from those entailing comprehensive cooperation to those involving politically contentious and revolutionary activities.
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Articles and Book Chapters
Gianni Bonvicini - Lorenzo Vai

Iniziative e proposte per la riforma dell’Ue

in Ettore Greco (a cura di), L’Italia al bivio. Rapporto sulla politica estera italiana

L’Italia è a un bivio. Risollevatosi a fatica da una prolungata crisi economica, ma alle prese con persistenti problemi strutturali che ne limitano la proiezione internazionale, il Paese deve misurarsi con una serie di sfide interne ed esterne che richiedono scelte impegnative, ma ineludibili, e nuove assunzioni di responsabilità a livello europeo, transatlantico e globale. In un contesto segnato da risorgenti spinte nazionalistiche che tendono a rimettere in discussione alcuni capisaldi della cooperazione internazionale, è fondamentale che si riaffermi il sostegno all’integrazione europea e ai progetti di riforma dell’Ue, in nome di una visione di lungo respiro degli interessi nazionali, e che si affrontino alcuni nodi cruciali, come il rientro dall’esorbitante debito pubblico, la riduzione della dipendenza energetica dall’estero, e la riforma dell’apparato militare.
Edizioni Nuova Cultura
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Articles and Book Chapters
Yannis Papageorgiou

La Legitimidad de los procesos de integracion regional

in Revista de la Secreteria del Tribunal Permanente de Revision del Mercosur, vol.11, no.1, p.12-28

El artículo examina como nace la legitimidad en los sistemas politicos y analiza si, en qué medida y cómo los sistemas de integración regional pueden tambien lograr legitimidad y asentar sus decisiones asi que tener fuertes mecanismos de aplicación efectiva de esas ultimas (lo que en ingles se llama “enforcement”). Insiste en los modos de construir la legitimidad, a traves de instituciiones solidas y propone fortalezer esta legitimidad para fortalecer el sistema internacional.
Mercosur TPR
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Articles and Book Chapters
Marzia Bona - Chiara Sighele

L’imprescindibile libertà dei media

in Raffaella Coletti (a cura di), La questione orientale. I Balcani tra integrazione e sicurezza

Le prospettive di adesione all’Unione europea dei paesi dei Balcani che ne sono ancora esclusi vivono una fase di rilancio e rinnovamento, dopo un lungo periodo di impasse. Questo stallo derivava da diversi fattori, tra cui le difficoltà di gestione di un’Europa allargata, con il delicato equilibrio tra gli interessi di nuovi e vecchi Stati membri e la crisi economica internazionale, come pure le difficoltà manifestate dai paesi balcanici nel rispondere adeguatamente alle richieste dell’Ue per l’allargamento, anche a causa della loro debolezza istituzionale. Nella regione si è infatti assistito a un graduale processo di involuzione democratica, con la diffusione di nazionalismi e tendenze autoritarie. Questi atteggiamenti risvegliano fantasmi del passato, enfatizzando i pregiudizi etnici e amplificando le criticità nelle irrisolte dispute bilaterali che attraversano la regione. La prospettiva di adesione è centrale nell’ottica della democratizzazione e stabilizzazione dei Balcani.
Donzelli editore
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Nicolò Conti - Borbála Göncz - José Real-Dato

National Political Elites, European Integration and the Eurozone Crisis

The global financial, economic and sovereign debt crisis since 2008 has led to increases in political disaffection among citizens, a loss of legitimacy of political institutions, the discredit of mainstream parties and the rise of extremist or anti-system political alternatives. This comparative volume sheds greater light on this critical juncture in the recent history of the European Union (EU) by focusing on the evolution of attitudes of national political elites. It examines whether the crisis has affected the legitimacy of the EU integration project as perceived by national political elites and, consequently, if the elite consensus that constituted one of the most solid fundamentals supporting that project has been eroded.
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Andrea Cofelice

Parliamentary Institutions in Regional and International Governance

This volume offers an original and theoretically grounded conceptualization and measurement of international parliamentary institutions and their role in ensuring the accountability of regional international organizations. Through a comparative analysis of the establishment, evolution, institutional organization, oversight and policymaking functions of 22 parliamentary institutions, mainly from European, African and Latin American regional international organizations, the book serves a twofold purpose. First, it allows assessment of the extent to which parliamentary institutions have (measurable) influence on the outcome of regional organizations’ decision-making processes. Second, drawing on the literature on new institutionalism and comparative regionalism, the volume investigates the conditions under which the influence of parliamentary institutions is expected to grow, thus advancing the understanding of the variation and development of this poorly explored type of international institution.
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Articles and Book Chapters
Ayselin Yildiz

Political Economy of Morocco: Is the EU Anchor for Neo-Liberal Restructuring

in Özgür Unal Eriş and Ahmet Salih İkiz (eds.) The Political Economy of Muslim Countries

The book looks in detail at the economic conditions of Muslim countries specifically, offering a thorough political analysis at the same time. It focuses on a broad range of economic factors and takes into consideration reports such as the World Development Index. It explores striking differences and similarities among carefully chosen Muslim countries. Mainly because of its broad use of different disciplines, it will be of interest to students of political science, economics and history.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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Articles and Book Chapters
Nicoletta Pirozzi - Andréas Litsegård

The EU and Africa: Regionalism and Interregionalism Beyond Institutions

in F. Mattheis and A. Litsegård (eds.) Interregionalism across the Atlantic Space

This book focuses on interregional relations across the Atlantic and the possible evolution of a new, distinctive Atlantic space for international relations. It provides a comprehensive insight into the overlapping linkages of interregionalism in the wider Atlantic space. Additionally, it raises the question of relevance, currently the main question in this field of research: Is interregionalism important because it brings about something new that really matters or is it simply a (perhaps unavoidable) by-product of regionalism?
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Kalypso Nicolaïdis - Claudia Sternberg - Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni

The Greco-German Affair in the Euro Crisis: Mutual Recognition Lost?

This book focuses on one of the most highly charged relationships of the Euro crisis, that between Greece and Germany, from 2009 to 2015. It explores the many ways in which Greeks and Germans represented and often insulted one another in the media, how their self-understanding shifted in the process, and how this in turn affected their respective appraisal of the EU and that which divides us or keeps us together as Europeans.
Palgrave MacMillan
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Articles and Book Chapters
David W. Ellwood

Will Brexit Make or Break Great Britain?

in Serbian Political Thought, vol. 18, no. 2, p.5-14

“In our bones we feel we cannot do it”. So said Anthony Eden , the Conservative shadow Foreign Secy., when, thanks to the Marshall Plan, the idea of European integration began to evolve from the visions of a few exile intellectuals and politicians in WWII, into a serious political project, embodied in the first design of a European Coal and Steel Community of 1951, the Schuman Plan.
Институт за политичке студије
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Dawn Nagar - Charles Mutasa

Africa and the World: Bilateral and Multilateral International Diplomacy

This book probes key issues pertaining to Africa’s relations with global actors. It provides a comprehensive trajectory of Africa’s relations with key bilateral and major multilateral actors, assessing how the Cold War affected the African state systems’ political policies, its economies, and its security. Taken together, the essays in this volume provide a collective understanding of Africa’s drive to improve the capacity of its state of global affairs, and assess whether it is in fact able to do so.
Palgrave Macmillan
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Articles and Book Chapters
András Bozóki - Dániel Hegedűs

An externally constrained hybrid regime: Hungary in the European Union

in Democratization, vol. 25, no 7, p. 1173-1189

The paper focuses on the unique, role model characteristics of the Hungarian hybrid regime, the Hungarian political system’s new incarnation forged in the past years’ democratic backsliding process. Following the short review of the main hybrid regime literature and the key analyses putting the democratic quality of the Hungarian political system under the microscope, the paper argues that Hungary’s European Union (EU) membership, the competencies of EU institutions, and the scope of EU law have played a crucial role in the development of the system’s unique characteristics. Based on this argument, the paper qualifies Hungary as an “externally constrained hybrid regime”. However, the EU does not only fulfil system constraining functions regarding the Hungarian regime, but performs system support and system legitimation functions as well. Ultimately, the changing scope of these functions, determined by the European integration’s internal dynamics, influences first and foremost the Hungarian power elite’s strategic considerations about the country’s future EU membership.
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Articles and Book Chapters
Michelangelo Conoscenti

Big Data, Small Data, Broken Windows and Fear Discourse: Brexit, the EU and the Majority Illusion.

in DE EUROPA, vol.1, no.2, p. 65-82

Although Brexit has been considered an unexpected ‘incident’ by the majority of observers, this paper challenges this idea. It thus considers the recent discussion on ‘filter bubbles’ and ‘selective exposure on social media’ Spohr (2017) to document how an increasing consumption of news and information through specific web platforms has effects on the ideological polarization of public opinion. These thus explain the genesis of this particular event. It will be shown how these dynamics have been considered by the Vote Leave campaign during the 2016 EU referendum in the UK. Exploiting echo chambers they were able to successfully crystallize a number of issues through a narrative that resonated with the British voters’ feelings transforming them into ‘issues’ that could be identified in a single concept: a populistic and creeping xenophobic fear discourse (Wodak 2015).
Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società - Università di Torino
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Articles and Book Chapters
John Akokpari

Consistency in Inconsistency: South Africa’s Foreign Policies in International Organizations

in J. Warner and T.M. Shaw (eds.) African Foreign Policies in International Institutions

This book is the first to exclusively consider the foreign policy tendencies of African states in international institutions. As an edited volume offering empirically based perspectives from a variety of scholars, this project disabuses the notion that Africa should be considered a "niche" interest in the field of foreign policy analysis. It asserts that the actions of the continent's states collectively serve as an important heuristic by which to interrogate and understand the foreign policies of other global states, and are not simply "anomalously" extant entities whose actions should be studied only insofar as they deviate from predictions based on the experiences of Western or other non-African states.
Palgrave macmillan
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Raffaele Marchetti

Debating Migration to Europe: Welfare vs Identity

This concise, pointed contribution to the ongoing debate in Europe on the controversial phenomena of migration will appeal to the general reader, represent a significant contribution to the scholarly debate, and be an essential teaching and discussion tool.
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Articles and Book Chapters
Nicoletta Pirozzi

EU Member States’ Capabilities in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding: Personnel and Technology

in Global Affairs, Vol. 4, no. 2, p. 141-155

This article provides an overview of Member States’ key capabilities – namely personnel and technology – in light of main EU goals in conflict prevention and peacebuilding, revealing a heterogeneous landscape. While acknowledging that the EU owns some of these capabilities, the article is primarily intended to highlight the assets and manpower available at the national level, with a view to understanding how these capabilities might better support and strengthen the EU’s role in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Relevant data collected through four case studies – France, Germany, Italy, and Sweden – is used to understand if currently available capabilities are adequate to match EU objectives
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Articles and Book Chapters
Gilbert M. Khadiagala

Europe-African Relations in the Era of Uncertainty

in D. Nagar and C. Mutasa Africa and the World: Bilateral and Multilateral International Diplomacy

Chapter 19 argues that the events of 2016, especially Brexit, the crisis of confidence around regional integration in Europe, the controversial economic partnership agreements (EPAs), the cutting of EU funding to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and the clamping down on African immigrants in the Mediterranean, are likely to have serious repercussions on what seems to be a fading relationship between Europe and Africa. Another issue of consternation is Europe’s introduction of migration control as a new condition for development cooperation following the refugee crisis.
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Alberto Majocchi

European Budget and Sustainable Growth

In the first part of the book an analysis is developed regarding the fiscal structure of the Monetary Union, starting by the Maastricht constraints and going through the Stability and Growth Pact to the Fiscal Compact. The main idea is that a new structure of the European budget should be promoted, with an increased size and new own resources, overcoming the limits of the current structure either on the revenue side or on the expenditure one.The second part is devoted to the problem of providing new own resources to the European budget. After a brief overview of the current system and its limits, the main proposal is to introduce a carbon tax that will complement the existing Emission Trading System. The new tax should be levied on the emissions of carbon dioxide generated by the use of fossil fuel, with a rate proportional to the carbon content of the fuel.
Peter Lang
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Raffaele Marchetti

Government–NGOs Relationships in Africa, Asia, Europe and MENA

his volume brings together some of the most recent scholarship on government and civil society. It examines the axis of the relationship between national governments and civil society organisations (NGOs) by highlighting commonalities as well as differences among four key regions in the world. Using the stability vs. instability framework, the book explores a range of pertinent issues, including human rights, development, foreign policy, state-building, regime change, governance frameworks, wars and civil liberties. It studies diverse situations, from those entailing comprehensive cooperation to those involving politically contentious and revolutionary activities.
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Articles and Book Chapters
Gianni Bonvicini - Lorenzo Vai

Iniziative e proposte per la riforma dell’Ue

in Ettore Greco (a cura di), L’Italia al bivio. Rapporto sulla politica estera italiana

L’Italia è a un bivio. Risollevatosi a fatica da una prolungata crisi economica, ma alle prese con persistenti problemi strutturali che ne limitano la proiezione internazionale, il Paese deve misurarsi con una serie di sfide interne ed esterne che richiedono scelte impegnative, ma ineludibili, e nuove assunzioni di responsabilità a livello europeo, transatlantico e globale. In un contesto segnato da risorgenti spinte nazionalistiche che tendono a rimettere in discussione alcuni capisaldi della cooperazione internazionale, è fondamentale che si riaffermi il sostegno all’integrazione europea e ai progetti di riforma dell’Ue, in nome di una visione di lungo respiro degli interessi nazionali, e che si affrontino alcuni nodi cruciali, come il rientro dall’esorbitante debito pubblico, la riduzione della dipendenza energetica dall’estero, e la riforma dell’apparato militare.
Edizioni Nuova Cultura
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Articles and Book Chapters
Yannis Papageorgiou

La Legitimidad de los procesos de integracion regional

in Revista de la Secreteria del Tribunal Permanente de Revision del Mercosur, vol.11, no.1, p.12-28

El artículo examina como nace la legitimidad en los sistemas politicos y analiza si, en qué medida y cómo los sistemas de integración regional pueden tambien lograr legitimidad y asentar sus decisiones asi que tener fuertes mecanismos de aplicación efectiva de esas ultimas (lo que en ingles se llama “enforcement”). Insiste en los modos de construir la legitimidad, a traves de instituciiones solidas y propone fortalezer esta legitimidad para fortalecer el sistema internacional.
Mercosur TPR
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Articles and Book Chapters
Marzia Bona - Chiara Sighele

L’imprescindibile libertà dei media

in Raffaella Coletti (a cura di), La questione orientale. I Balcani tra integrazione e sicurezza

Le prospettive di adesione all’Unione europea dei paesi dei Balcani che ne sono ancora esclusi vivono una fase di rilancio e rinnovamento, dopo un lungo periodo di impasse. Questo stallo derivava da diversi fattori, tra cui le difficoltà di gestione di un’Europa allargata, con il delicato equilibrio tra gli interessi di nuovi e vecchi Stati membri e la crisi economica internazionale, come pure le difficoltà manifestate dai paesi balcanici nel rispondere adeguatamente alle richieste dell’Ue per l’allargamento, anche a causa della loro debolezza istituzionale. Nella regione si è infatti assistito a un graduale processo di involuzione democratica, con la diffusione di nazionalismi e tendenze autoritarie. Questi atteggiamenti risvegliano fantasmi del passato, enfatizzando i pregiudizi etnici e amplificando le criticità nelle irrisolte dispute bilaterali che attraversano la regione. La prospettiva di adesione è centrale nell’ottica della democratizzazione e stabilizzazione dei Balcani.
Donzelli editore
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Nicolò Conti - Borbála Göncz - José Real-Dato

National Political Elites, European Integration and the Eurozone Crisis

The global financial, economic and sovereign debt crisis since 2008 has led to increases in political disaffection among citizens, a loss of legitimacy of political institutions, the discredit of mainstream parties and the rise of extremist or anti-system political alternatives. This comparative volume sheds greater light on this critical juncture in the recent history of the European Union (EU) by focusing on the evolution of attitudes of national political elites. It examines whether the crisis has affected the legitimacy of the EU integration project as perceived by national political elites and, consequently, if the elite consensus that constituted one of the most solid fundamentals supporting that project has been eroded.
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Andrea Cofelice

Parliamentary Institutions in Regional and International Governance

This volume offers an original and theoretically grounded conceptualization and measurement of international parliamentary institutions and their role in ensuring the accountability of regional international organizations. Through a comparative analysis of the establishment, evolution, institutional organization, oversight and policymaking functions of 22 parliamentary institutions, mainly from European, African and Latin American regional international organizations, the book serves a twofold purpose. First, it allows assessment of the extent to which parliamentary institutions have (measurable) influence on the outcome of regional organizations’ decision-making processes. Second, drawing on the literature on new institutionalism and comparative regionalism, the volume investigates the conditions under which the influence of parliamentary institutions is expected to grow, thus advancing the understanding of the variation and development of this poorly explored type of international institution.
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Articles and Book Chapters
Ayselin Yildiz

Political Economy of Morocco: Is the EU Anchor for Neo-Liberal Restructuring

in Özgür Unal Eriş and Ahmet Salih İkiz (eds.) The Political Economy of Muslim Countries

The book looks in detail at the economic conditions of Muslim countries specifically, offering a thorough political analysis at the same time. It focuses on a broad range of economic factors and takes into consideration reports such as the World Development Index. It explores striking differences and similarities among carefully chosen Muslim countries. Mainly because of its broad use of different disciplines, it will be of interest to students of political science, economics and history.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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Articles and Book Chapters
Nicoletta Pirozzi - Andréas Litsegård

The EU and Africa: Regionalism and Interregionalism Beyond Institutions

in F. Mattheis and A. Litsegård (eds.) Interregionalism across the Atlantic Space

This book focuses on interregional relations across the Atlantic and the possible evolution of a new, distinctive Atlantic space for international relations. It provides a comprehensive insight into the overlapping linkages of interregionalism in the wider Atlantic space. Additionally, it raises the question of relevance, currently the main question in this field of research: Is interregionalism important because it brings about something new that really matters or is it simply a (perhaps unavoidable) by-product of regionalism?
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Kalypso Nicolaïdis - Claudia Sternberg - Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni

The Greco-German Affair in the Euro Crisis: Mutual Recognition Lost?

This book focuses on one of the most highly charged relationships of the Euro crisis, that between Greece and Germany, from 2009 to 2015. It explores the many ways in which Greeks and Germans represented and often insulted one another in the media, how their self-understanding shifted in the process, and how this in turn affected their respective appraisal of the EU and that which divides us or keeps us together as Europeans.
Palgrave MacMillan
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Articles and Book Chapters
David W. Ellwood

Will Brexit Make or Break Great Britain?

in Serbian Political Thought, vol. 18, no. 2, p.5-14

“In our bones we feel we cannot do it”. So said Anthony Eden , the Conservative shadow Foreign Secy., when, thanks to the Marshall Plan, the idea of European integration began to evolve from the visions of a few exile intellectuals and politicians in WWII, into a serious political project, embodied in the first design of a European Coal and Steel Community of 1951, the Schuman Plan.
Институт за политичке студије